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Doctor of Philosophy (Management)

Faculty of Management Sciences, Prince of Songkla University

Doctor of Philosophy (Management)

Doctor of Philosophy (Management)

The Faculty of Management Sciences, Doctoral degree programs offer teaching and learning by integrated the knowledge of the Business Administration, Accounting and Public Administration to develop research and academic works that can be applied to public, private sectors and community organizations.

      Doctor of Philosophy in Management Program, Prince of Songkla University was established and opened in 2009. The course has been accepted by personnel in the government, private sector and higher education institutions as it is the up-to-date course with highly qualified and experienced instructors and expertise and collaborated with leading international universities. As a result, many people are interested in applying to study in the PhD program of the Faculty of Management Science every year

      The program focuses on creating new knowledge and producing a doctorate in management with a deep understanding of research in management concepts based on science and knowledge in various field. Besides, graduates can apply knowledge based on empirical research appropriately in the context and situation, provide a graduate with high performance to response the increased demand in the region, society and the country due to the changing of trend and direction of knowledge.

Integration in Management

Boosting the development of research and academic works that can be applied.

Intensive quality assessment

Providing the standard procedures set before studying, during the study and before graduation

Ready for internationalization

Establishing the collaboration with international professors and institutions

Course Structure
Study Duration
3-year Course
Contact Information
Graduate School of Business Administration
2 Floor Executive Building, The Faculty of Management Sciences Prince of Songkla University, Korhong, Haytyai, Songkla 90112
0-7428-7852 Prince of Songkla University